Senior Prof. K. Amirthalingam (PhD, Cmb) - Director

Kopalapillai Amirthalingam is a Senior Professor in Economics attached to the Department of Economics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He works both as a researcher and development consultant with a special interest in public finance, Sri Lankan economy and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). He has been a consultant for the Presidential Tax Commission - 2009 and was a member of Experts Committee to Formulate the National Sustainable Development Vision of Sri Lanka -2030, appointed by His Excellency President. Amirthalingam’s work has appeared in leading journals such as Journal of Refugee Studies, Disasters, Migration and Development, Sri Lanka Economic Journal and Colombo Business Journal. He, funded by travel grants, has presented his research works at prestigious conferences such as the annual conferences of the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC), annual conference of Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS), and the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE). He has numerous journal articles and book sections to his credit.

Amir’s Publications

Journal Articles

  1. Ekanayake, A, and K. Amirthalingam (2023) Returning Home: A Comparative Analysis of the Experiences of Sri Lankan First- and Second-Generation Refugee Returnees from India. Refugee Survey Quarterly, Vol. 42(2), 180–203.

  2. Ekanayake, A., & Amirthalingam, K. (2021), "The economic impact of the covid-19 pandemic on Sri Lankan migrants in Qatar", Comparative Migration Studies. (Special issue on comparative perspectives on migration, diversities and the pandemic -Forthcoming).

  3. Ekanayake, A., and Amirthalingam, K. (2021), "The economic impact of the covid-19 pandemic on Sri Lankan migrants in Qatar", Comparative Migration Studies.

  4. Ekanayake, A., & Amirthalingam, K. (2020), "Impact of migration of Sri Lankan professionals to Qatar on skill acquisition and brain drain", Migration and Development.

  5. Ekanayake, E.M.A and K. Amirthalinagam (2020) Impact of Migration of Sri Lankan Professionals to Qatar on Skill Acquisition and Brain Drain, Migration and Development

  6. Ekanayake, A., & Amirthalingam, K. (2019), "An empirical study of the factors that motivate Sri Lankan professionals to migrate to Qatar", Migration and Development.

  7. Ekanayake, A., & Amirthalingam, K. (2019), "An empirical study of the factors that motivate Sri Lankan professionals to migrate to Qatar", Migration and Development.

  8. Amirthalingam, K. and R. W. D. Lakshman, (2015) "Impact of Internal Displacement on Agricultural Livelihoods: Evidence from Sampur, Sri Lanka", Migration and Development, 4(1), pp. 143-162.

  9. Amirthalingam, K. and R. W. D. Lakshman (2013), "Impact of Displacement on Women and Female-headed Households: A Mixed Method Analysis with a Microeconomic Touch", Journal of Refugee Studies. 26(1), pp. 26-46.

  10. Amirthalingam, K. and R. W. D. Lakshman (2012), "Impact of Displacement on Women and Female-headed Households: A Mixed Method Analysis with a Microeconomic Touch", Journal of Refugee Studies, 26(1), 26-46.

  11. Amirthalingam, K. (2010) Indirect Taxation In Sri Lanka: The Development Challenge, Economic Review, 36 (7 and 8): 11-15, Oct/Nov, Peoples Bank Sri Lanka

  12. Amirthalingam, K. and R. W. D. Lakshman (2010) "Financing of Internal Displacement: Excerpts from the Sri Lankan Experience", Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management, 34(2), pp. 402-425.

  13. Santhirasekaram, S. and K. Amirthalingam (2010), "Direct and Indirect Effects of Conflicts, Violence and War on Economic Growth in Sri Lanka", Sri Lanka Economic Journal, 11(1), pp. 31-60.

  14. Amirthalingam, K., and Lakshman, R. W. D. (2009). Displaced Livelihoods in Sri Lanka: An Economic Analysis. Journal of Refugee Studies, 22(4), 502–524.

  15. Amirthalingam, K. (2008) "Economic Liberalisation and its Impact on the Manufacturing Industry In Sri Lanka", Sri Lanka Economic Journal, 9(2), pp. 31-52.

  16. Amirthalingam, K. (2008) "Social Development, Economic Growth and the Liberalization in Sri Lanka", Sri Lanka Economic Journal, 8(2), pp. 1-20.

Book Sections

  1. Jayatilaka, D., & Amirthalingam, K. (2023). "Conflict, Poverty, and Recovery in Passaiyoor East in Jaffna City in Sri Lanka." In Forced Migration and Urban Transformation in South Asia: Displacement, Resettlement, and Poverty (pp. 35-57). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

  2. Collyer, M., K. Amirthalingam and D. Jayatilaka (2017), "The right to adequate housing in post-conflict Colombo, Sri Lanka", in K. Brickell, M. Fernandez and A. Vasudevan (Ed.), Geographies of Forced Eviction, pp. 47-69, Palgrave.

  3. Amirthalingam, K., D. Jayatilaka, and R. W. D. Lakshman (2015) "The other side of migration and development nexus: The Sri Lankan experience in trafficking" in T. T. Yong and M. M. Rahman (ed) International Migration and Development in South Asia, pp.218-234, Routledge.

  4. Amirthalingam, K. and R. W. D. Lakshman (2011), "Agriculture Livelihoods and IDPs in Sri Lanka". in W. Wimalarathana (ed), Agriculture and Rural Development in Sri Lanka: A Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr. S.M.P. Senanayake, pp.309-340, Development Resource Centre (DRC), Department of Economics, University of Colombo.

  5. Amirthalingam, K. and R. W. D. Lakshman (2009), "Displacement and livelihoods: A case study from Sri Lanka", in Priyanthi Fernando, Karin Fernando and Mansi Kumarasiri (eds), Forced to move: Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement- Policy and Practice, pp:57-82, CEPA, Colombo, ISBN: 978-955-1040-55-0

  6. Amirthalingam, K. and R. W. D. Lakshman (2009), "Women’s Assets and their role in surviving displacement and impoverishment in the context of the war and the tsunami in eastern Sri Lanka’. in N. de Mel, K. N. Ruwanpura and G. Samarasinghe (eds), After the Waves: The Impact of the Tsunami on Women in Sri Lanka. Social Scientists Association (SSA), Colombo


  1. Ekanayake, A. & Amirthalingam, K. (2023). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sri Lankan Migrant Workers in the Gulf Region. International Centre for Ethnic Studies.

  2. Ekanayake, A., Amirthalingam, K., Piper, N., & Perera, S. (2023). Survey on Returnee Migrant Workers in Sri Lanka: A Gendered Analysis of Living and Working Conditions and Institutional Support Mechanisms [CMRD report]. Centre for Migration Research and Development.

  3. Ekanayake, A., Amirthalingam, K., Piper, N., and Perera, S. (2023), "Survey on Returnee Migrant Workers in Sri Lanka: A Gendered Analysis of Living and Working Conditions and Institutional Support Mechanisms", Centre for Migration Research and Development.

  4. Lakshman, R. W. D., Amirthalingam, K., Ekanayake, A., & Blitz, B. K. (2021). Gender and Displacement in Jaffna, Sri Lanka: Survey of Internally Displaced Persons, 2020. GCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub.

  5. Lakshman, R.W.D. and K. Amirthalingam (2020), Influence of diasporas on post-war social mobility: The case of Sri Lanka, Colombo: Centre for Migration Research and Development.

  6. Jayatilaka, D., K. Amirthalingam and S. Gunasekara (2015), ’Conflict, displacement and post-war recovery: A community profile of Passaiyoor East in Jaffna, Sri Lanka’, Colombo: International Centre for Ethnic Studies.

  7. Jayatilaka, D., and Amirthalingam, K (2015), "The Impact of Displacement on Dowries in Sri Lanka", Brookings–LSE Project on Internal Displacement, Washington.

Academic Conferences

  1. Lakshman, R., Amirthalingam K. & Ekanayake A. (2022 July 30). Paths to Recovery and Wellbeing of the Internally Displaced Men and Women in Jaffna, Sri Lanka [Paper presentation]. International Migration Research Network Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway.

  2. Ekanayake, E. M. A. P., & Amirthalingam, K. (2018). An empirical study on the factors affecting the migration of Sri Lankan professionals to Qatar. In D. Bamunusingh & N. K. Yapa (Eds.), Crossroads: Where humanities meet social sciences (pp. 105). IRCHSS-2018 and faculty humanities and social sciences, university of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.

  3. Jayatilaka, D., K. Amirthalingam and R.W.D. Lakshman (2014)"Development Induced Displaced and Conflict Induced Displaced: Are there significant differences between DID and CID in terms of social and economic impact and well-being," Coherence and Incoherence in Migration Management and Integration: Policies, Practices and Perspectives / Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS), University of Montreal, Canada.

  4. Jayatilaka, D., K. Amirthalingam and R.W.D. Lakshman. (2014), "Post-conflict trafficking vulnerabilities in Sri Lanka: an insight into victims, perpetrators and ways for protection" Coherence and Incoherence in Migration Management and Integration: Policies, Practices and Perspectives / Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS), University of Montreal, Canada.

  5. Amirthalingam, K., D. Jayatilaka, R. W. D. Lakshman and N. Liyanage (2011), "Victims of human trafficking in Sri Lanka: Narratives of Women, children and youth", 2011 annual conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), held in Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China.

Other publications

  1. Ekanayake, A. & Amirthalingam, K. (2021, April 15), "Struggles of (re)assimilation: The experience of young Sri Lankan refugee returnees from India", The Migrant.