Shiyana Gunasekara (MA, Johns Hopkins)
Shiyana Gunasekara is a energy and climate consultant in Washington, DC, and a Pacific Forum Young Leader. With an M.A. in international economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, she specializes in international energy markets and trade and development in the Indian Ocean Region. Ms. Gunasekara was a U.S. Fulbright Researcher to Sri Lanka in 2014-2015.
Shiyana’s PublicationsJournal ArticlesGunasekara, S. (2020), "A Tale of Two Gases: Natural Gas as a Gateway for Hydrogen in India." 9DashLine. [link]
Gunasekara, S., "LNG Bunkering after COVID-19." LNG Industry, August 2020 (pending publication)
Ziegenfuss, J. M. and S. Gunasekera (2020), "Will COVID Crimp LNG as Bunker Fuel?", LNG Industry [link]
Gunasekara, S., "India and Japan: Cooperation for a More Energy-Secure Indo-Pacific." Building Bridges for Future Cooperation: Reflections of Japan’s Energy Policy and Security. February 2018. The Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies.
Gunasekara, S., "Sri Lanka Suffers from China’s Indian Ocean Strategy." Asia Pacific Bulletin, No 372. February 2017. East-West Center. [link]
Gunasekara, S., "A Look into what just happened in Sri Lanka #PresPollSL." January 2015. South Asia Journal. [link]
Book SectionsGunasekara, S. (2020), "Sri Lanka’s Role in the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy," in Attanayake, C.(ed.) Maritime Sri Lanka: Reclaiming Indian Ocean Identity, 1st ed, Singapore, National University of Singapore. [link]
Gunasekara, S., "U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas Exports," in 2018 Top Markets Report: Oil and Gas Equipment – A Market Assessment Tool for U.S. Exporters. 2018. U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration.
ReportsJayatilaka, D., K. Amirthalingam and S. Gunasekara (2015), ’Conflict, displacement and post-war recovery: A community profile of Passaiyoor East in Jaffna, Sri Lanka’, Colombo: International Centre for Ethnic Studies. [link]
Academic ConferencesGunasekara, S., Indian Ocean Shipping Trends: Selected Country Analyses. CNA Corp., Arlington, VA, (U.S.) 2017.
Gunasekara, S., From Tigers to Textbooks: Reconciliation Strategies in the Sri Lankan Education System. U.S. Fulbright Conference, Hyderabad, Telangana (India), 2015.
Gunasekara, S., Microfinance in India: For-Profit vs. Non-Profit – What factors determine the likelihood of an MFI’s profit status in India? Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India), 2013; Pitzer College, Claremont, CA, (U.S.) 2014.