Abdhullah Azam (B.Sc., Wayamba)

Abdhullah Azam is a Masters student in Economics at the University of Colombo. He is also doing an LL.B at the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL). He holds a B.Sc in Business Management from the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. He has sound experience in the field of research activities as a Research Assistant and Project Manager. He was a Research Assistant based at the World Bank. He has worked with the Centre for Migration Research and Development (CMRD) as a Research Assistant for projects on trapped populations and (in)visibility of urban displacement, as Project Manager for the project on Inclusive Urban Infrastructure. He is a Life Member of the Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AATSL), an Associate Member of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA Australia), the Institute of Financial Accountants (IFA UK), and the Institute of Chartered Professional Managers of Sri Lanka (CPMSL). Azam’s areas of interest include urban migration, infrastructure economics, poverty and macroeconomic studies.

Azam’s Publications

Journal Articles

  1. Lakshman, I. M., Alikhan, M. M., & Azam, A. (2020). "Finding ‘Reasons to Stay’ Amidst Issues of Well-Being: A Case Study of Two Underserved Communities in Colombo.", European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 16(35), 94.

Book Sections

  1. Lakshman, I. M., & Azam, M.N.A. (2023), "From a Horizontal to a Vertical Lifestyle: Impact of Relocation on Sense of Belonging", In Forced Migration and Urban Transformation in South Asia: Displacement, Resettlement, and Poverty. (pp. 17-34). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.


  1. Lakshman, I. M., M. Alikhan, A. Azam (2019), Finding ’Reasons to Stay’ Amidst Issues of Well-Being: A Case Study of Two Undeserved Communities in Colombo, Colombo: Centre for Migration Research and Development.

Academic Conferences

  1. Jayatilaka, D., S. Alikhan, A. Azam (2018), "Early findings for Colombo: Trapped populations and unknown city", Migrants on the Margins: Final International Workshop, Johannesburg, South Africa

Other publications

  1. Azam, M.N.A. & Md. Lutfor Rahman (2023), "Study visit to Hopley Farm in Zimbabwe", Inclusive Urban Infrastructure.

  2. Azam, M.N.A., (2022), "Disruption to livelihoods: Living with major power outages in Sri Lanka", Inclusive Urban Infrastructure.